Blooming is a long process but I LOVE IT!

Argh…………… That was what I felt at the start of the class yesterday. Why technology? Why is it so important in this 21st century. I just do not feel like doing it. But after a while I kinda got the hang of it and I start to like it. But one thing I do not really like is that we are doing it under deadline stress. Because of that, I do not get to fully enjoy the process of doing so. Other than that, doing it at home and at uni is totally different because the line there is more stable and very fast. At home, opening a page takes quite awhile and all the waiting kinda rob you of the feeling of enjoyment.
About the class, i really felt just like what the title says ‘INFORMATON OVERLOAD’! I am not the kind of person that is very bother about technology and network stuff. If I have the time then maybe I would do it. But if I do not have the time I would not want to spend time choosing what layout and what theme to use and also the hassle of putting all the information about myself. Unfortunately, I do not have the choice whether I want or do not want to. I JUST HAVE TO DO IT!!
I really encounter some problems like how do I put in something ABOUT ME that we were required to do but after clicking here and there I finally found it. After finding it there was another problem on what to write. Haiz…. After all the setting up, I finally got to see the fianl product of what I had done. The word to describe it is ‘NOT BAD!!!’ After seeing the end result, I am satisfied and I love it. Although the process takes time but the end result is a great motivation for me to continue to do this.
In conclusion, I feel ya… ICT is important and it does makes things interesting and it actually takes up lesser time compare to making teaching aids. =)  And it is much more fun and colourful which will definately attract the kids.
So this is the start of the journey to be a teacher who is equipped with the latest technology……………..( =) Next time other people won’t dare to laugh at us, teachers and say that we are old-fashioned!!!)

Comments on: "INFORMATION OVERLOAD!!!!" (8)

  1. hueyzher said:

    LOL! When you are setting the things up or even ask to the tool, think about how to use the tool to help in the teaching. It is not about being equipped with the latest technology. Sometimes being equipped with the latest technology doesnt mean knowing how to use it for the right purpose. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

  2. ya.. Defnately will bear that in mind. =)

  3. Hello Doreen!.. If you are information overload, I think mine hang already.. hehe… It just normal right? Like we use to have but not so much technology savvy like this.. Everybody is saying that they are not the kind of techno thing, but I think we\’ll get to use to it later in few weeks maybe.. It\’s just a start and it\’s getting OVERLOAD as u say.. So, be prepared. Till then, feel free to visit and comments at my blog. Tc>_<

  4. Muhammad Naqib said:

    quite honest there :Dit is bad when something become "I JUST HAVE TO DO IT" thing

  5. muhd naem said:

    agreeagree with you doreen on few things like information overload and also about the importance of ICT skill in this 21st a future teacher to be, we really need those latest ICT skills to face the brialliant pupils in school,all the best to u,to all ang get ouselselve ready for the nest class.p/s: nice sapce btw,videos some more.teach me PLEASE…

  6. thanks for the comment. Naem, you just need to copy the embedded code of the video and post it in the video column. Very easy.

  7. information overload! and my hard disk is already corrupt. need to format it and put some external hard disk to my brain to make sure i can get all the information given. also need to change my windows 98.haha. ICT is great, but make sure if there are problem with the ICT, we always have plan B to continue our teaching session. hehe. cant totally depending on ICT even it cant be deny that ICT is very useful.

  8. i agree with you doreen. the ICT skill is very important here. you and me have the same habit where we are using the ICT when necessary, we have to bear in mind about this ok..

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